Seakay Construction Corp

Consulting Services

Seakay Construction’s exclusive focus on the healthcare sector puts us in a unique and advantageous position for offering targeted and/or turnkey consulting services to both physicians and providers in order to ensure the successful development of a standalone or associated healthcare facility.

A diverse range of experience and expertise is required to take a clinic from concept to opening. Seakay provides our clients with this valuable guidance and oversight in each necessary step of the development process including site identification, feasibility, pro forma, facility planning, design, construction, financing, and the navigation of state and federal regulatory structures. Seakay also offers demonstrated ability in effective value engineering of our projects for cost savings as well as valuable experience in contract negotiations, contract management, and dispute resolution.

We can lead and manage the entire development process – from concept to facility occupancy. Throughout the development and management of the facility, we maintain a constant focus on supporting the business objectives of the physicians and or medical provider client.